Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Little Porritt - What the Dickens.....

Mr Porritt has long been in the Westminster prison for debtors, "Weshallsee"and has had the dubious task to be chair of the Sustainable Development Commission. His lot has been alleviated by his devotion to his "Little Dorrits" his commissioners and Secretariat whom he praises for their experience, passion and commitment. Their work balancing advisory and capacity building work on the one hand and watchdog work on the other, he says is nothing short of an "art form".
He steps down from Chair of the SDC having moved from a situation where there was "little understanding across government that sustainable development was anything other than environmentalism by another name", to one where there is now a low carbon transition plan backed by active steps to make sure firms in the U.K. grab the greater opportunities in nuclear, renewable energy production, in low to no CO2 car production and others.
He goes with a few parting shots of course. Lord Merdle of Hartlepool (to keep the Little Dorrit analogy going.... sorry) is noted as particularly hostile to the concept of sustainable development.
He criticises ministers on the environment and social justice for failing to protect U.K. prosperity, with the biggest problems (very worryingly) in the treasury, business and transport departments. He goes on; that for years the treasury has dogmatically defended the Thatherite model of consumption driven economic growth, regardless of the costs that growth generates.
I hope the SDC moves forward effectively without him and I wish him well and thank him for the tremendous amount of work for sustainable issues he has done so far. Certainly it's time that people, company CEOs, department heads.... well, everybody, "got it", that we must leave unbridled profit growth as a past goal, embrace sustainable development as the very best and only way forward.

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