Saturday, 11 July 2009

Damned if you do...........

I work hard to reduce my carbon footprint. When I do so I save money. With that money I buy things............ that creates carbon, arrgggh! Hard is'nt it? The other thing we are all, I think guilty of is picking and choosing; I will, say, install low energy light bulbs, I won't stop driving too quickly, or I will put on a jumper and turn down the heating, but I will also stand too long under the shower. So, how about having a go at this? Make a list of things you know are green house gas expensive but are reluctant to give up on and of those that you find easy to forego. Now you can manage that list, hang on perhaps I can stop doing this or that carbon expensive action, perhaps I can increase the amount I do of this or that carbon saving action... a simple review. I bet you you can easily make big carbon savings (and money savings) just by doing this.

I enjoyed the HRH Prince Charles' Dimbleby lecture the other day, bumbling as it was it typically contained "joined up thinking" and important views of the way forward from the mess we find ourselves in. I liked his phrase, "...what sustains us must itself be sustained" so that we protect and encourage the environment and count sustainability as part of bottom line profit rather than continue hell for leather to drive for unbridled growth.

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